To find out more about any of our activities, or to join our group, please contact one of the following. Membership is only £5 per member or £10 per family.

Chairman: Tony McKie
Teal Barn, Vicarage Road, Lingwood, NR13 4TT
tel: 01603 714255

Secretary: Beryl Ogden
tel: 01603 714629

Newsletter/Website: Tony Mckie

Items for inclusion in the next BADCOG newsletter or on this website, together with any comments, should be sent to Tony at the above email address.

Membership Secretary: Frances Milliken, 45 Heathway, Blofield Corner Road, NR13 4RS.

To become a member please contact one of the above.

To pay your membership fee (£10 for a family or £5 for a single), please send a cheque to the Membership Secretary made out to BADCOG or alternately via bank transfer to:

Blofield and District Conservation Group (Business account)

Sort code: 30-99-97. Account Number: 00642538