Grid Reference: TG 347 135
GPS Coordinates: 52.668951, 1.4703159
what3words: dumpling.technical.textiles
*Since 2013, BADCOG is no longer involved in the active management of this site; it is now looked after by the Friends of Panxworth Church.
Parish: South Walsham
Access Parking: The ruin (tower only) of All Saints Church is located to the north of Panxworth, on the Panxworth-Ranworth road, approximately 200 m from the junction with the B1140. Limited parking is available on the left-hand verge.
Habitats: Scrub and Lowland grassland.
Main Conservation Interest: Meadow flora.
Conservation Status: None.
Management: Managed by BADCOG between 1992 and 2013.
Description: The site can be separated into two areas: a quarter approximately 25 square metres consists of rough grassland, whilst the remaining three quarters is woodland. The whole site is surrounded by a well established hedge and arable farmland. Until BADCOG relinquished responsibility, an annual work party took place in the autumn, when the rough grassland area was cut, raked and cleared, and part of the woodland was cleared of brambles and other shrubs. The rest of the site was unmanaged, but monitored. There is little interest in the way of flora, other than a spectacular display of primroses in the spring, along with some bluebells. The mixed woodland and rough grassland offers an excellent habitat for birds and other wildlife and there have been signs that owls use the tower as either a nesting site or as a roost.
In 2005 the tower suffered a lightning strike, resulting in some structural damage. Consequently, a large section of the grassland area was fenced off, restricting access. A decision is pending on whether the tower will need to be demolished for reasons of safety.